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Understanding the Five Types of Alcoholics Get Help For Alcohol Addiction

They start drinking at an even younger age than the young adult type, usually around 15. They also develop alcohol dependence at the youngest age than any other type, often around 18. They’re 75% male and start drinking and develop alcohol dependence at the youngest ages among all subtypes — 15 and 18, respectively. About 31% of functional alcoholics have a close family member who also has alcohol dependence.

You deserve to get the care that will help you make your active addiction a thing of the past. And even more importantly, overcoming alcoholism of any type is going to be the most successful when it’s done with the help of a professional treatment program. They range in complexity from tests that only take a few minutes to complete to more comprehensive questionnaires that take a deeper dive into addiction. Below are just some of the signs to be on the lookout for if you think someone you know or love is struggling with this type of alcoholism. Despite how common this conception of an alcoholic is in modern society, the truth is that these types of alcohol addicts really only make up about 9% of all alcoholics according to the NIAAA findings.

Our levels of care

And chronic severe alcoholics often drink more alcohol at one time than they mean to. With the lowest levels of education, employment, and income of any subtype, this group also drinks more at one time and more overall than other groups. Yet, members of this group—35%—are more likely to seek help, and from multiple sources, including private healthcare providers, self-help groups, specialty treatment programs, and detox programs.

Binge drinking accounts for about 90 percent of this group’s total alcohol intake. Students at many colleges and universities encourage one another to drink, sometimes heavily. Alcoholism and its adverse impact on individuals, families, and society is fueling a need for health educators who can create effective national and global health education programs. An MS in Health Education and Promotion from Walden University can help provide the skills you need to create comprehensive alcohol-related awareness, education, and prevention strategies for individuals and communities. The term “functional alcoholic” was coined due to these individuals’ ability to continue working and maintaining their responsibilities despite dealing with a severe addiction to alcohol. The functional subtype usually has few legal problems, have the highest level of education and income and many are married.

The 5 Types of Alcoholics

The different types of alcoholics are not meant as a diagnostic tool to figure out if someone is suffering from an alcohol use disorder. Rather, by knowing which alcoholic personality type you or a loved are acts as a guide to finding the best treatment and prevention methods. Despite these alarming statistics, this group is more likely to seek help than almost any other. Over a third of the people in this subtype have sought some form of help or treatment to overcome their alcohol dependence, whether a private health care provider, treatment program, detox or self-help group.

alcohol withdrawal seizure

Periodic inebriety is characterized by intense drinking or craving for alcohol interspersed with periods of abstinence. For some alcoholics, the drinking periods are determined by internal cues, such as the onset of menses in women. For others, external opportunities, such as a worker’s payday or sailor’s shore leave, govern the periodicity of inebriety. Intervals of intense nervous irritability and depression commonly precede the drinking periods. Periodic inebriety often takes the form of temporary insanity, in which the drinker’s behavior is characterized by mania, violence, or impulsive criminal behavior.

Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

They also have the highest divorce rates, with 25.1% divorced, 8.6% separated and only 28.7% married. Only 9% have a college degree, and they also have the lowest employment rate. Only 43% of chronic severe alcoholics are employed full-time and 7.6% are unemployed or permanently disabled. The young adult subtype is the most prevalent subtype, making up 31.5% of people who are alcohol dependent. The average age of dependent young adults is almost 25 years old, and they first became dependent at an average age of around 20 years old. They tend to drink less frequently than people of other types (an average of 143 days a year).

What is Stage 3 alcoholic?

In this third stage, you've developed a full-blown alcohol addiction and are likely seeing the severe physical and emotional consequences it brings. You may have become completely obsessed with drinking and you're constantly drinking, thinking about when you will have your next drink, or recovering from drinking.

Binge drinking is a pattern of excessive alcohol use that increases the risk for developing tolerance and then physical dependence on alcohol that can then lead to addiction. According to NIAAA, around 20 percent of college students struggle with alcohol addiction. This group has the lowest levels of education, employment, and income of any group. This group also drinks more at once and more overall than other groups, although they drink slightly less frequently. On the other hand, this group is more likely to seek help than almost any other; 35% sought out some form of assistance in overcoming alcoholism. This group has the highest rate of seeking treatment from a private health care provider but also often choose self-help groups, specialty treatment programs, and detox programs.

The therapy or alcohol rehabilitation program can be more acute which gives you a better chance of recovering successfully. The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing. If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy. This is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure FHE Health is trusted as a leader in mental health and addiction care. Social drinking is the most common type of alcohol consumption and a significant part of American culture. A social drinker consumes alcohol in various settings, such as homes, restaurants and celebrations, to bond, relax and socialize with others.

5 types of alcoholics

The functional subtype alcoholic is also what’s known as a “functioning alcoholic.” Functional alcoholics make up 19.5% of alcoholics and are made up of people who can hold down jobs and relationships despite their drinking habits. This group is primarily composed of middle-aged people (41) who started drinking around 18 years old and developed alcohol dependence later in life (around 37). These subtypes are not to be used to formally diagnose anyone with alcohol use disorder but rather serve as resources to help addiction specialists and medical professionals better understand the disease. However, if you recognize any of the traits listed in our guide below, our Milford treatment center encourages you to seek out alcohol addiction treatment.

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